Conical Hat Payroll HR allows organizations to totally automate their payroll process, manage employee details as well as automatically generate withholding tax salary return reports.
Key Benefits:
- Save time
- Payroll totally automated
- Exchange rates automatically applied
- Multi user
- Highly reliable and secure!
- Salary details kept in a central and safe repository
- Reduce payroll mistakes!
- The application can be used in Khmer or in English
- Automatically generates Monthly withholding tax salary return report for Tax department
- Produce staff reports - extensive reporting features!
- Can be totally integrated to legacy accounting systems
- Can generate bank transfer orders
- Record expenses, bonuses and advances
- Produce pay-slips
- Manage company information (multi company)
- Dual currency (USD and KHR)
- Manage currency exchange rates
- Managing employee information
- Managing employment information
- Managing employee financial information
- Salary increase history
- Importing/Exporting employee information from/to MS Excel
- Managing overtime/undertime
- Managing piece rates (factory)
- Manage staff advances
- Managing adjustments (setting up deductions, additions as required)
- Managing recurring adjustments
- Manage part-time staff
- Produce Payroll «on the fly »
- Producing Monthly Withholding Tax on Salary reports
- Bank transfer formats
- Wing transfer format
- Automate payslips and send email to employees
- Staff terminations
- Managing Leave:
- Unpaid leave
- Public Holidays
- Day off Leave
- Sick Leave
- No Show No call Leave
- etc
- Convert Leave to Cash
- Leave reporting
- Manage all access rights and setup employee group access rights
- OLAP Report Designer to produce:
- Payroll Analysis
- Leave Analysis
- HR demographics Analysis
- Reports include :
- Payroll summary
- Payroll summary by branch
- Bank WING transfer
- Leave monthly
- OT/UT report
- Attandance reports
- Tax Reports
- Etc...